UnSOLVED: Number Palindromes

I am thrilled to announce my latest book is now in print! Very different from my previous works, this is not an illustrated children’s book. My love of math, specifically math with no answer, is the focus in this case.

The problem posed in this book elicits the question “Does this always work?” among others. Patterns are revealed as attempts are made to turn numbers 1-100 into palindromes through a guided process. This long-term task is easily accessible for early grade students, yet continues to stump present-day mathematicians. Children and adults will explore patterns, structures, and relationships within this mathematical mystery by applying elementary math concepts. The work leans heavily on the base ten place value system and multi-digit addition. About 80% of all numbers under 10,000 produce a palindrome in four or fewer steps; about 90% of those in seven steps or fewer. What exactly is unsolved in this Number Palindromes problem? Order your book now

This book is part of a series: UnSOLVED: Advanced Yet Accessible Problems in Mathematics

Looking for challenging and engaging math that extends beyond finding answers? UnSOLVED: Advanced Yet Accessible Problems in Mathematics is a series of guided explorations into problems that remain unsolved in the world of mathematics. There are no solutions; they have not been proven true or false. Each book in the series presents a different unsolved problem in an easily accessible context, yet reveals an advanced depth of understanding. Follow along to discover patterns, examine special cases, and learn about these mathematical mysteries. Mathematicians of all ages can participate in these tasks by applying elementary math concepts.

Low Floor: everyone can get on board, simple starting point
High Ceiling: room to grow and stretch beyond the start, not limiting

You can earn a free taco cat sticker to prove you worked on Number Palindromes.  You only need to leave a review on Amazon and email (mynaturalelement@gmail.com) to let me know.  Each book will have its own unique sticker, collect them all!

I am looking for reviewers and testers for promotional purposes. Apply for free copies here. Children will be appropriately matched to new and upcoming guided activity books based on grade level.